Air France Eco Food Concept
Economy Class Food Concept / Product Design / Packaging Design
Air France initiated a design competition for (one or two) students. Together with a fellow student did we convince the Jury of Air France with our presentation in the headquarter in Paris. With our work from the second round and the second presentation did we won a Prix Speciale de Jury! Actually, after our presentation for the first round did the Jury asked us to focus our work on our concept for the Economy Class. So, we did. While my dear fellow student Jakob Hohmann focused rather on (finger-)food with 100% natural ingredients did I focused rather on the packaging and handling of the food. The basic idea is, a 'lunch box' serves as the main protection for the food inside. So the packaging can be reduced to a minimum. All leftovers could be bio-degradable. The lid of the box can also be used separatly as a tray, for example during short-haul flights.

All these shapes above for the packaging are created by scoring and folding a square piece of paper. Imagine the possibilities by exploring other formats next to a square piece of paper.